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Equipment Needs for Players- All League Players will be provided with a Team/League Shirt and Hat

Tee Ball- Sneakers and a baseball mitt

A Division-Coach Pitch- Sneakers , baseball mitt

AA Division- Lower Minors Kid Pitch- Cleats, baseball pants (we have some if needed) Baseball glove, USA baseball bat, batting gloves and Batting Helmet (we have some if needed)

AAA Division- Upper Minors Kid Pitch- Cleats, baseball pants (we have some if needed) Baseball glove, USA baseball bat, batting gloves, Sternum Shield Shirt, Athletic Supporter (Pitcher and catcher positions required) and Batting Helmet (we have some if needed)

Majors/Senior League-Cleats, baseball pants matching the uniform if possible (we have some if needed,) Baseball glove, USA baseball bat, batting gloves, Sternum Shield Shirt, Athletic Supporter and Batting Helmet (we have some if needed)

Challenger Division- Sneakers, baseball glove

Softball Minors- sneakers, softball glove, Batting helmet, USA softball bat
Softball Majors- cleats, softball glove, Batting helmet, USA softball bat, softball pants, batting gloves, Sternum Shield Shirt